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Technical Skills 😍

Programming Language(s)

Programming language(s) have been the tools used for ages by software engineers for creating software or an application.


PHP is a popular language for creating small, medium to large-scale enterprise application. PHP powered over 70% of websites on the internet. PHP has tons of libraries and frameworks that make PHP more fun to work with. PHP has been a great tool to my toolbox.


JavaScript started been a language for the web or the broswer. It makes the web more interactive. Runtime like Node.js makes it possible to bring JavaScript to server-side. Fortunately, JavaScript can now be used for web, server, mobile, and desktop application(s).


TypeScript brings type safety to weak JavaScript on the fly with TypeScript compiler, tsc. tsc statically check types as you write code out of box. TypeScript introduces many other features like enums, interface, union, and many more.


According to SolidityLang, Solidity is an object-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts. Smart contracts are programs which govern the behaviour of accounts within the Ethereum state.


Framework minimizes the work of engineers and simply improve their productivity. In the past, engineers create and bootstrap their framework to their taste but not anymore unless the job at hand requires the team to create a custom framework for the project.


Node.js is a runtime that enables engineers to run JavaScript server-side. Node.js runs on Google Chrome V8 engine. The V8 event loop and its non-blocking I/O architecture make its framework of choice for many engineers including myself.


Laravel is one of the best, production-ready, full-fledged and battle-tested PHP framework. Many thanks to Taylor Otwell for making this awesome project live. Laravel is one of my go-to framework anytime I have a monolithic project at hand.


Boom, Express.js started as a storm in the Node.js world. Express.js became popular because it happens to be the first framework in the Node.js world. I love it for its simplicity, because with a few lines of code you can have a REST API up and running. Express.js have been a great tool for me.


Truffle is a set of development tool kits for creating smart contract. Truffle enables engineers to develop on any EVM and Ethereum JSON-RPC compatible chain. Truffle lets you build on Ethereum, Optimism, Arbitrum, Avalanche, and much more.


Vue.js is a progressive framework for creating modern application(s) like PWA(s), SPA(s), etc. Vue.js is component(s)-based. Thanks to Evan You for making this awesome project live.


Nuxt.js is a framework of a framework. Yeah, a framework of Vue.js. It brings SSR to Vue.js application(s) making it more SEO friendly. Nuxt.js makes use of Node.js for SSR-ing Vue.js application(s).


Web3.js is a collection of libraries that allow you to interact with a local or remote bsc, polygon or ethereum node using HTTP, IPC or WebSocket.


Tailwind.css is a utility-first CSS framework for creating custom UI(s). It provides engineers with low-level CSS classes.


Database is a repository of data. A database can an SQL, NoSQL, or Graph database.


MySQL is an SQL database based on rows and columns. MySQL happens to be the best choice when working with financial project because of its ability to perform transactions and roll back when errors occur during the transaction.


MongoDB is a NoSQL database based on key-value pairs. MongoDB was built for big data with fault tolerance and high availablilty through Replication. Cloud service like MongoDB Atlas let engineers to worry-less about cluster maintenance, backup, and many more by handling everything out of box for engineers.


Remote Dictionary Server is a NoSQL database that is based on key-value pairs which is popularly been used for caching. Redis can also be used for PubSub, Queue, Stream, and many more. Redis has been a good tool for me in terms of caching API responses. My library called Suya support Redis out of box too.

Elastic Search

Elastic Search is an open source search engine built on top of Apache Lucene that indexes data and enables engineers to perform search operations on the data indexed in near real time. Elastic Search is schema-less, though one can design its schema but being schema-less enables engineers to dump data without worrying about its schema. Elastic Search has been a good tool for me both in PHP and JavaScript.

API Design(s)

Application Programming Interface (API) Designs are the standards or styles for creating APIs that exposes data to various clients be it web, mobile, desktop, or TV(s).


REpresentation State Transfer is an API design that exposes data in form of JSON unlike SOAP XML format. REST solves all the burdens and limitations of SOAP design in an efficient manner. REST design has been my go-to API style. GraphQL might be an overkill for some projects that's where REST fit perfectly for the job.


GraphQL is an API design created at Facebook. It exposes it data in JSON format just like REST. Graph solves all the burdens and limitations of REST design in an efficient manner. With a single Graph endpoint you can request for any resource unlike REST with hundreds if not thousands of endpoints depending on the application size. I love GraphQL design and working with it in Node.js was a breeze for me using Apollo Server.

Soft Skill 🤗


Communication is a way of expressing ideas, feelings, emotions, and thoughts to others. To be a good communicator requires a lot of practice so I strive hard to improve my communication skills through practices to aid effective communication. The following are a few of my communication skills.

  • Oral
  • Listening
  • Writing


Teamwork is simply a collaboration among team members to achieve similar goals. I love teamwork because its let every member on the team learn from one another whilst aiming to achieve same goal that's get the project(s) done. The following are a few of my teamwork skills.

  • Collaboration
  • Networking


Leadership is the act of leading a group of people such as team, community, and many more. The following are a few of my leadership skills.

  • Team Management
  • Desicion Making
  • Mentoring

Critical Thinking

According to Wikipedia, critical thinking is the analysis of facts to form a judgement. To me, critical thinking is the act of thinking out of the box to solve a problem effectively and efficiently. The following are a few of my critical thinking skills.

  • Logical Thinking
  • Creativity
  • Flexibility